Instant Gratification

Part 1: Observations from a repatriating American and what it means to be back after being gone for twenty-five years. . .  . living in an age where instant gratification is not fast enough. When I order online, I don’t need it delivered immediately, although now, the expectation seems to be, by the time you […]

Day Dreams Gone Bad

  The Aida—of the German cruise ship line–just docked on this bleary, rainy morning. I guess there are still a few more cruise boats due in over the next few weeks. Today, I might get a slightly different perspective of their arrival. Susan was given a pair of binoculars for her birthday—among other things—and said […]

Death’s Door, and More

Michelle Obama cancelled last Friday so we took off to Portland Friday afternoon, just ahead of the snowstorm that jeapordized her visit. Kept saying to Susan, why are we heading into this storm when we could be snugging down, watching the geese fly by? Surprise, surprise, surprise, a b-day party for me, thrown by my […]


In thinking about Memorial Day today, I once again held the flag I was given in my Dad’s honor. Not until he died, when the mortuary noticed that he had been a vet, was I given a folded flag to honor his service. I placed it in a cupboard at home and when we moved, […]

It’s a Miracle

I had such fears, none of them justified. Susan said my snoring blew the tiles off the ceiling. I said, meh. She said I stopped breathing off and on all night long. I said. I’m still here. She dealt with my lackadaisical   attitude by buying a noise machine that masked my snoring and other wretched […]

Gone Fishin’

Went fishin’ once.  Didn’t catch nuthin’. Now we live fifteen feet in front of Colvos Passage, a body of water that’s part of Puget Sound. It’s like living in front of a stocked pond–sea lions, Orcas, seagulls, blue herons, and fish fish fish.So I bought me a fishin’ outfit. Last night one fish after another […]

Life’s Too Short

During the ten years Susan was dreaming about her perfect car, no one told her that the convertible would be a dead and dying model by the time she started cruising the island of Vashon. After seeing one of those Yahoo news lists—Ten Things American Aren’t Buying Anymore, I did a search of similar articles concerning […]

I Stuffed It

Dropped Susan off on one our first rainy mornings and headed for home. At a stop sign a few blocks from her school, out of the blue, the car behind me pulls up along side and a back window slides down. A tiny voice inquires about the reptile in my back window.” Is that a […]