I have been writing for years, using Works, Word, Apple Works, Google docs, open source, and more—for business and personal use, to write letters, ads, lesson plans, and all the rest. As Word became the preeminent word processing application over the years, starting out with just a few thousand commands, adding thousands more through upgrades, […]

Imposter–Ready for Launch

Two and a half years after ChinAlive was published, Imposter is finally ready to go. With the generous and talented help  of former students, colleagues, and cold hearted, blood thirsty (but invaluable) editors , the book is ready for its marketing phase. Book bloggers and review agenices are being lined up, virtual blog tour arranged, a space for the launch(s) readied, […]

Indie Publishing My way

Indie Publishing, My Way : The topic of one of my presentations concerns the experiences I’ve had publishing my books as an independent author. For all the years I’ve taught,  I’ve never had the confidence to share my writing with my kids. Three years ago that changed for three reasons; 1) my discovery of the ease […]

Blasting Off–All Things Considered, by Bob

  With great apologies to NPR for using a portion of their program title, the time is right to start my meager mouthing off.  I’ve waited so long, for the right moment, the right niche, persona, inspired contribution–writer, storyteller, traveler, library guru to guys–that if I can’t find the time now, in retirement, I am hopeless. The older […]