JUMP Jumps the Gun
She warned me, but I just got so excited I couldn’t control myself. “Just a little hint here and there,” I promised. “Sure, honey, but I know you. There won’t be anything little about it.” And sure enough, with enough hints, people started to share my excitement. And then they wanted to know when the book was coming out, and then more people started asking, and more and more. And finally, I had to cave.
So, to meet Susan halfway, I said, “can I at least suggest a pre-pub date for the ebook, so it can be ordered right now, making it available June 1, automatically delivered to anyone’s Kindle library on that date? That’s not too far from launch of the paperback on September 1, the date I promised myself I would wait for, is it?”
By that time, it will be up on Kobo, Barnes & Nobel, and many more online sellers.” She said that sounded reasonable, and after all, she is the marketing director.
Thanks for all your interest, can’t wait to hear from your attorneys and cancel culture minions. Seriously, just a little sex, a few blue words, some politically incorrect—maybe more than some—undocumented opinions, and some knock down killer, can’t put it down entertainment.