Blasting Off–All Things Considered, by Bob
With great apologies to NPR for using a portion of their program title, the time is right to start my meager mouthing off. I’ve waited so long, for the right moment, the right niche, persona, inspired contribution–writer, storyteller, traveler, library guru to guys–that if I can’t find the time now, in retirement, I am hopeless. The older I get the more I realize I know nothing but the here and now and if I don’t don’t start scribbling, after so many other failed attempts, I won’t ever begin, again. Of course I could keep beginning, again and again, but faithful readers would grow weary and start wondering if I was dead, and then become unfaithful.
There are already so many great bloggers writing about things I think I know about–especially children’s books and inspiring kids to read–that the things I would offer about that topic are already written about so much better than any contribution I could make. So, what to do? What I do know about, is me. I really do. Egotistical, naval gazing, pompous, self-absorbed, narcissistic, arrogant. These were the attributes of the bloggers I started and stopped reading when blogging first began, so I stopped reading blogs. I was wrong. There are more reasons bloggers blog than can I can count. My reason: maybe some of the above, maybe catharsis, maybe to fill in the time gaps as a recently retired old fart. So many maybes, so little time.
One thing I know for sure, I have a lot on my mind and some times I think my poor wife would like me to spew in other directions. Topics I am considering, as Bob does: cooking, back pain, shoulder pain, fishing, writing the next book, preparing presentations for regional library conferences, house work, repatriation, staying in touch with former students, and the false promises of technology. I thought one post a week would keep my fans from being overwhelmed, but no promises. I’m not sure how the auto broadcasting from my website to my Facebook Page will be go, but no more excuses.